At Bob Lanphere's Beaverton Motorcycles, we aim to help you find a powersport vehicle that suits your unique budget. Apart from offering exclusive prices and benefits, we've paved an avenue for Portland-area riders to put their current vehicles' cash value towards their next purchases.
Whether you want to lower money due at signing on a similar model, need the next tier of performance, or crave a different powersport experience, you can save significantly by trading in.
To see what your powersport vehicle is worth, fill out the trade-in form with its information, including its make, model, year, mileage, and condition as well as your contact information. We want to make the most accurate valuation possible, so when you attach photos, we'll increase your appraisal by $100.
Subtract the value we provide to a vehicle in our inventory and voila - there's your new and improved price. For the most competitive prices, shoppers can check out our new powersport vehicle promotions
If you have any questions about the trade-in process, feel free to contact us at Beaverton Motorcycles. We look forward to kickstarting your next powersport vehicle purchase!